Secretary/Treasurer Report By Jeff Maddock Hi there members of ACE(NSW). Here is the latest financeial report and as you will see, ACE(NSW) is still in the black. In the near future ACE will have Bankcard, Visa and Mastercard access. You will be able to pay your membership, PD Software, BBS membership or anything that ACE has for sale by credit card. I will let you all know when this service is available. That is it for now but if members have any questions about this report or the way ACE is run then please send any comments or questions to the clubs P.O. Box or give them to me at the monthly meetings or better still, if you have a modem then send them to me by electronic mail via the ACE(NSW) BBS. (User Name: Jeff Maddock) July 1991 - June 1992 summary printed 15 October 1991 EXPENSES (Actual) Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Yr-to-Dt ACE ROOMS 160.00 160.00 - - $320.00 DISKS BLK 890.00 - - - $890.00 HARDWARE 496.00 187.00 - - $683.00 POSTAGE 335.80 39.60 - - $375.40 BANK S/CHR 27.49 - - - $27.49 GPO BOX - - - - $0.00 SUB/MAGS - - - - $0.00 CASH OUT 105.15 104.95 - - $210.10 PD FLOAT 50.00 - - - $50.00 BBS PHONE 433.38 - - - $433.38 PHONECALLS - 75.32 - - $75.32 -------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- TOTAL 2497.82 566.87 - - $3064.69 INCOMES (Actual) Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Yr-to-Dt NEW MEMBER 455.00 35.00 - - $490.00 RENEWALS 965.00 90.00 - - $1055.00 OTHER 932.00 98.00 - - $1030.00 BBS 335.00 10.00 - - $345.00 ADVERTS 70.00 - - - $70.00 INTEREST 19.78 - - - $19.78 CASH IN 201.00 - - - $201.00 Incom Misc - - - - $0.00 -------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- TOTAL 2977.78 233.00 - - $3210.78 Cash Flow 479.96 -333.87 - - $146.09 ACCOUNTS (Actual) (Net Amount Into) Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Yr-to-Dt CHEQUE 384.11 -386.60 - - -$2.49 PETTY CASH 95.85 52.73 - - $148.58 -------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- TOTAL 479.96 -333.87 - - $146.09 Cash Flow - - - - $0.00 Date: 15 Oct 1991 ACCOUNT SUMMARY < Confirmed > ACCOUNT < Unconfirmed . . . . . . . . . . Unconfirmed > > Balance Date * * * Deposits Debits Oldest Newest Balance $1997.36 Sep 91 CHEQUE $0.00 (0) $386.60 (3) Oct 91 Oct 91 $1610.76 $95.85 Aug 91 PETTY CASH $233.00 (5) $180.27 (5) Oct 91 Oct 91 $148.58